LDPE and PP Recycling

We produce many types of LDPE and PP raw materials that you will need in our state-of-the-art facility. You can request for LDPE and PP in a wide range of quality and technical features, according to your needs in your production process.

The first step for a quality final product is the procurement of the right raw materials. In this context, if you convey to us the technical specifications of the raw material you need during the production phase, our experienced production team will work according to your needs.

For all your requests, you can contact sales@reco.ist or you can fill the form in our contact section. Our team will contact you as soon as possible.

Plastic Scrap Purchasing

We work with different suppliers from all over the world in line with the needs of our facility. We respond to different customer demands by keeping products with high recycling rate, sorted and classified, in different quality levels in our inventory. We make purchases for the recyclable raw materials in PE and PP class, which are our main focus in production, and support national and international producers in the supply of raw materials.

You can make an offer by reaching us at purchase@reco.ist for all the separated and classified raw materials you have.Our team will evaluate and return to you as soon as possible.

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